Enjoy this free hypno-meditation app for your phone

Track Descriptions

It was Only a Lesson

This track takes you on a journey of grounding. Our beautiful planet Earth is a training ground for our souls. You are a student of

Earth School.  Relationships all contain lessons, some good and some less desirable. If your relationship didn’t work out, take the learnings from it and stop beating yourself up!

 Release The Pain & Feel The Love Bednosis

Seeking a way to relieve pain naturally? Listen to this track in bed at night and reclaim your inner peace.

This track allows you to release those who have hurt you and open your heart, which may have closed down due to emotional pain

Soul Retrieval

I am feeling lost … It is a thought that is extremely powerful and can put us into a low vibration. Journey to the golden temple in the middle of the lake.

In this special temple you can reclaim the parts of you that have become scattered and lost in this lifetime and/or other lifetimes. Parts that you may have given away to people, places or situations, perhaps to ensure your survival. Take back your power today.

Reclaim your Life

Take control of your life with this hypno meditation audio track. Find your pot of gold (wisdom) at the end of the rainbow. Strengthen and balance your chakras and put an end to involvement in toxic situations.

The Real You

Journey to the ancient library to remember who you really are. Every time you begin to doubt yourself or begin to believe someone else’s distorted image of you, all you need to do is find the book in the library of your mind and remind yourself of who you truly are.

Meet your Future Self

Journey to the carnival where you finally experience what it means to feel free of judgements, expectations and projections of other people. See your future self in the Hall of Mirrors and learn about your life journey moving forward.

Calling in the One

Call a sacred union into your life. Find you vibrational love match.

For those who have healed from difficult relationship/s and are ready to find ‘the one’.

With Jan’s Free Hypno-Meditation app you can begin to let go of the pain and trauma old toxic relationships.

Move from surviving to thriving!