Past Life Relationship Coach

Fully Accredited Professional Past Life Relationship Coach Diploma

This course is fully accredited by WMA - World Metaphysical Association

Study in confidence with Bestselling Instructor Jan Haldane, Master Hypnotherapist and Coach

Our Professional Past Life Relationship Coach Diploma course is aimed at those who wish to expand their existing complementary therapy, hypnotherapy, or counselling practice to incorporate working with past lives,or for those that wish to learn the techniques for their own personal development. As a Past Life Relationship Coach you will be using creative visualisation to facilitate a past life journey for your client. This journey or regression will take them back to a life that pertains to their current life relationship issues. Once they have reviewed that life, there is an opportunity to change the outcome to something more desirable and take the learnings from their journey back to the here and now. This process helps to make sense of what is happening in current relationships and why this is. The course is a combination of video and a training manual.

This course consists of:

  • 8 in-depth training videos to watch
    and grow with

  • Diploma Documentation

  • A Full Colour Manual

what youll learn plrc.png

Who is this program for?

This is a very interesting and varied modality that deals not just with intimate partner relationships but with all kinds of human relationships. I’m sure you will find it fascinating and be able to help a lot of people ease the pain in their hearts.

This is a professional diploma course.