Beware the Energy Vampires
As many of you know, I have been working with energy for many years. Here’s the thing, everything is energy. We, as human beings, have an energy field around us. To quote Albert Einstein,
“ Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.”
So, what does this have to do with narcissists, you may well ask? Narcissists have a very low vibrational frequency. On the scale of emotional frequencies, Love vibrates at 500 hertz (Hz) and shame at 20 Hz. There are higher vibrations than love. These are Joy at 540 Hz, Peace at 600Hz and Enlightenment at 700+ Hz. The word emotion means energy in motion, so we can see that emotions affect our energy. A narcissist (although they never admit it) is mired in shame and other negative emotions. Effectively, they are stuck at the bottom end of the emotional frequency scale.
Have you ever felt exhausted after talking to someone or being in their presence? This is because they are draining your energy. Now, they’re not consciously trying to do this, but subconsciously their need for energy is so great that they need you to supply them energy for survival, as their own vibration is so low. Covert narcissists are especially low in vibrational energy.
Have a very low frequency
Each and everyone of us is responsible for our own energy and the energy we bring to any place or situation. Some people don’t take personal responsibility for their energy and drag others down by draining their positive energy and leaving behind a dark, sludgy residue of their own negative energy. They are known as Energy Vampires or Energy Pirates. You may well know one or two of them quite well. You feel tired or drained after speaking to them or being with them and they perk up. These people are in need of love or healing but most won’t admit this or seek healing, so they feed off the loving energy of high vibe people and empaths. Unfortunately, if an Energy Vampire is your partner, parent or boss you need to protect yourself energetically or you will be drained. I’ve seen people visibly age way beyond their years because of being constantly drained. And, of course, it makes it harder to have the energy required to leave the Vampire.
If we go back to Einstein’s quote, we can see that an Energy Vampire who drains our energy, also lowers our vibration to match their own which is not a good thing. If we end up in Guilt or Shame from energy loss and gaslighting from the narcissist we are brought low, and if the narcissist gets their way, that’s where we stay, only perhaps to move into Apathy as a survival strategy. If you have to spend time with someone of a vampiric nature, you need energy protection at all times. Clearly if you avoid these type of people you are better off!
I’ve included a recording for you to listen to every day to protect your energy field or aura. Enjoy!
Emotional Vibrational Frequencies (Hz)
700+ Enlightenment
600 Peace
540 Joy
500 Love
400 Reason
350 Acceptance
310 Willingness
250 Neutrality
200 Courage
175 Pride
150 Anger
125 Desire (Lust)
100 Fear
75 Grief
50 Apathy
30 Guilt
20 Shame