Reclaim Your Life After Narcissistic Abuse
Over the years I've spoken to so many people (mostly women) who feel deep shame that they allow themselves to get into these soul-destroying relationships. I mainly have women clients, but this is an issue for men as well and I want to make that really clear, because my heart goes out to those men who suffer at the hands of narcissistic women.
Now you may well ask why is this topic my passion? It's because I've been there too on more than one occasion I have to admit. I've also seen so many women come through my office over the years who are living in the most unhealthy relationships. Their self-esteem is in their boots, their physical health is compromised and they suffer from anxiety and depression. I've seen the occasional man as well and the same goes equally for them. The sad thing is that there is no joy in their lives and they are often isolated from friends and family and under the control of someone who does not have their best interests at heart.
That's an awful thought!
They may be suffering from any or all of the following types of abuse:
Verbal or even sexual abuse
So I've heard a lot of stories along the way. The thing that I love most is when survivors of these type of relationships can finally release the old patterns that have been playing out. Some of these patterns began as young children. If you are the child of toxic or narcissistic parents you are subconsciously conditioned to tolerate abuse. So we can see where the pattern starts and how it perpetuates without awareness and awareness is a huge key here.
It's my mission to make you aware of what narcissistic abuse looks like and to give you the tools to remove the old patterns that keep you locked into a cycle of hope, damage, hurt, hope again. These cycles go from hope of finding a loving relationship and then finding out that this relationship is actually damaging, but you didn't recognize it because it seemed to be different or the person seemed to be different.
You didn't know how to read the signs and that's not your fault. What I want to do is actually teach you is how to read the signs, because no one deserves to be in that sort of relationship. We all deserve to be loved. Humans need attention, affection, appreciation and acceptance. What i call the four A's and the likelihood of finding equality in the four A's in a toxic relationship is very small.
I myself can remember being in an abusive relationship but because I wasn't being physically abused I just couldn't see it and this of course is many years ago when I was quite young. I knew I wasn't happy at my ex's behaviour and so I went to see a counsellor. A counsellor as a trained professional picked up on this (not all of them do), but this one definitely did thank goodness!
I was in a form of denial, I even argued with the counsellor that I wasn't being abused and my ex kept telling me there was something wrong with me. Because I'd heard that all my life up until then it was normal. Even as a child I knew that I wasn't a bad person and yes I must have jumped through hoops and turned myself into a human pretzel, trying to prove that I was a good person. But luckily I had that seed of knowing, that little kernel inside me that told me that in fact I was a good person.
So perhaps you can relate to this?
You didn’t know how to read the signs …
and that’s not your fault!
… or perhaps you've had a healthy loving upbringing, but now you're at your wit's end on how to get rid of the negative fallout of a narcissistic or toxic relationship.
I want to let you know that there is help there.
Download my free eBook - Click Here - It will teach you some tools to recognising the abuse and help you build some strength. If your struggling please reach out - Contact Jan Here