Twin flames – Companions of the Heart
The stuff of Mills and Boon and other romantic novels! But here’s the thing, they do exist for those who have done sufficient work on themselves for this trip to Earth School.
Those that are seeking a soulmate are more likely to be yearning for a twin flame. With a soulmate we're still working through our karma. A twin flame relationship has a deep connection, but no karma, unfinished business or hidden agendas to contend with. Think of complementing each other rather than completing each other. This is the epitome of a healthy, sustainable relationship.
Of course, there will be issues as we are human after all, but obstacles are dealt with in a mature manner. A twin flame relationship is characterized by love and respect. It is safe, spacious and supportive. Both people can grow personally and spiritually. True intimacy and trust are present.
The stuff of Mills and Boon …
and other romantic novels!
These relationships are not always the 24/7 live in kind that lasts a lifetime. Sometimes they are shorter than desired, leaving someone truly heartbroken. They are rare to find but it can happen!
Many people think a soulmate is their twin flame and endure non twin flame behaviour in the delusion that this person is, in fact, their twin flame. Usually this is a soulmate, but equably could be a false soulmate. A difficult, controlling or abusive relationship is not a twin flame relationship nor will it suddenly, magically, become one.
A twin flame relationship is not to be found with a narcissist because they lack the maturity to have a healthy relationship. I suggest you read my blog post on soulmates as well as this blog post to understand the difference between these two labels. Look carefully at your narcissist’s behaviour which will undoubtedly prove over time to not meet the profile of a twin flame. No matter how much they insist you are twin flames, you are not. Don’t allow yourself to be conned by a narcissist masquerading as your twin flame!
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