Karmic Relationships
“Relationships are the juice of life. If you do not experience them as an elixir, then they probably have become a poison.” - Chuck Spezzano
Relationships are the way we grow and evolve into what we must be. Difficult relationships from past lives create ingrained karma that requires healing. Most people who we have current life relationships with have been with us many times before, although in different roles.
Relationship karma is present in all parts of our life not just with romantic partners. Our relationships provide opportunities for working on our soul purpose and resolving our karma. Not all relationships are based on love.
A human being is really a soul on a spiritual journey. In each incarnation on Earth it has to contend not just with ingrained karma, but with the ego part of the personality taken on for this lifetime.
Karmic connections are often characterized by powerfully intense sexual attraction. This connection occurs in the base chakra and the sexual organs. People fall in lust with each other to discharge the pent up energy in the base chakra. This is absolutely fine in itself, but the problems begin when lust is mistaken for love, and people end up in relationships that were never meant to be.
“Relationships are the juice of life. If you do not experience them as an elixir, then they probably have become a poison.”
Chuck Spezzano
Sometimes there is unfinished business from another lifetime to resolve and sometimes people get together to work on similar themes of karma. A soulmate comes to assist us with individual karma or karma that exists between the two of us from other reincarnations. Our soulmate may well be a narcissist, so this is not always a comfortable ride. The lesson here is recognizing old ingrained patterns that require a different response in this lifetime to finally resolve karma. Earth is the place where we work on our emotions because once embodied, we can hide our emotions from others which we can’t do in other dimensions. Relationships or the lack of a relationship are vehicles for our emotional lessons and growth in the time we spend on Earth.
It’s very helpful to have a past life regression focusing on how a problematic person in your life was connected to you in the past. Once we can recognize who they were in another incarnation, it is much easier to work out how to resolve the karma in the here and now. It really is a liberating experience if you are suffering from emotional pain in a karmic relationship.
Your current day narcissist may well be someone who had loved you through the centuries who has agreed prior to incarnation to help you with this lesson. This however, doesn’t mean you should stay in a relationship with them!
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